Preparing for the Summer: What to Expect from Your AC Unit Tune-Up

May 1, 2023 | HVAC Maintenance

With the summer months right around the corner, it’s important to make sure your air conditioning unit is running at its optimal performance. There’s nothing worse than being in your house on a 90-degree day and having your AC unit blow hot air. An AC unit tune-up will help make sure that this doesn’t happen!

Before the summertime heat kicks in, it’s important to invest in an AC tune-up for your home because ultimately, you’re investing in your comfort.

What an AC Tune-Up Entails

From the condenser coils to the air filter, an AC unit tune-up looks at all of your unit’s components and makes sure everything is working properly. It typically includes:

  • Flushing the drain
  • Cleaning condenser coils
  • Adding freon
  • Replacing the air filter

And with the right experts at your side, they can also check for any potential problems and help you make sure your AC unit is running efficiently.

The Benefits of a Regular Tune-Up

An AC tune-up can be the difference between a smooth summer and one full of AC-related issues. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Increases efficiency – Tune-ups help make sure your AC unit is operating as efficiently as possible, which can save you tons of money in the long run.
  • Decreases cost of cooling – Regular tune-ups help ensure that your energy bills won’t skyrocket.
  • Decreases the likelihood of repairs – If you keep up with AC unit tune-ups, you’re less likely to experience an issue that requires a costly repair or replacement.
  • Unit will last longer – Keeping up with maintenance helps your AC unit last for many years and ensures that it can operate at its best during the summer months.

How Does an AC Unit Tune-Up Work?

Each step is handled with care and attention to detail:

  1. Technician will look over the whole unit to check for any potential issues.
  2. They’ll flush the drain to make sure it’s free of debris and blockages.
  3. The condenser coils are cleaned with an anti-corrosive solution so that no dust or dirt is left behind.
  4. Freon is added to make sure the unit has enough cooling agents.
  5. The air filter is replaced with a new one so that it can work at its optimal performance.

How Often Should You Schedule One?

For optimal cooling performance, it’s best to schedule a tune-up at least once a year. This way, you can be sure that your air conditioning unit is running at its best and won’t cause any problems during the hot summer season. Any more than that and you risk overworking the unit, which could lead to potential future issues.

Overall, it’s important to invest in an AC tune-up before summer starts so that your home can provide you with maximum comfort during those hot months. The process is simple and quick, and if done regularly, it will ensure that your air conditioning is running at its best.

Stay Cool During Those Summer Months With Shriver Mechanical

At Shriver Mechanical, we understand the importance of making sure your air conditioning is working well. That’s why our experts are here to provide you with an AC tune-up service that will have you feeling cool and comfortable through those hot summer months.

Now that you know when to care for your AC unit tune-up, it’s time to know who to trust. Not just any technician can provide you with the quality service that you need. Get in touch with us at Shriver Mechanical today and we’ll make sure your air conditioning unit is looked after properly!